I get a lot of feedback from my readers, and I sure do appreciate it! I love when people ask questions.
“How do I ...?”
“Why is my ...?”
I'm no jean-yuus, but I always do my best to give you a quality answer. And if I can’t, I just make something up, slap a big bow on it and call it a day.
When I do notice the same question being asked over and over, I figure it’s something worth discussing openly. Here are the nine most common questions I’m asked and my renegade answers.
Nine Common Fitness Questions Answered
What diet are you on? Like I told the lady in the grocery store, I'm not on a diet. I eat foods that make me feel good, give me good energy and don’t make me want to shoot myself afterward. I’m not denying that milkshakes, fries and Fruity Pebbles taste good, but do I feel amazing after? Heck no! Maybe you do and feel free to spend the next six workouts burning off that 1,200-calorie shake. To me, it’s not worth it. So instead I just stick to the basics: lots of veggies, fruits, lean meats, nuts, seeds, some low-fat dairy and some whole grains. Get creative with cooking. Don't know how? Learn! By the way, guys – nothing is sexier than a man who can cook for his girl, except for a man who can cook healthy for his girl.
Does your metabolism really slow down as you get older?
Yes, unfortunately. Most scientists, trainers, doctors and nutritionists will tell you it slows about 2 percent every five to 10 years after age 30, mostly because it’s harder for your body to gain and maintain muscle. With less muscle, the harder it is to burn calories at rest. I think people put too much blame on the so-called slowed metabolic rate. There are plenty of people with rockin’ bodies post 30 and well into their golden years. As people get older (generally), they tend to have more responsibilities, spend more time working, so they move less, tend to eat more and suddenly it’s your slowed metabolism to blame? Think about it.
How do I get rid of “this spot” right here?
You can’t. Sorry. There’s no way to get rid of just your love handles or just the jiggle in your arms. You need overall body fat reduction to notice any one area getting smaller. Everyone loses it differently, so don't compare yourself to an apple shape if you are a pear.
The body fat reader on my scale indicated I’m obese? I don’t think so, but could it be true?
Well, maybe. But I really hate those things. Don’t panic, yet. I think they give you an idea of where you are, but if you want a true reading of your body fat, find a company that does it through hydrostatic testing or a bod-pod. The calipers at the gym work better than the scale. Ask a trainer to do it for you.
I work out, I eat well, so why isn't the weight coming off?
Are you working out to the best of your ability, with perfect form? Are you cutting out processed foods, eating tons of veggies and natural, whole foods while watching portion sizes? If so, then it’s time to consult with a physician and look into hormonal imbalance or something else. I only have 10 minutes to work out, what can I do? Is it even worth it? Something is always better than nothing! Ten minutes? Plenty of time to kick your own butt into shape. Check out myelf workout or just do 100 burpees. That’ll be a fun 10 minutes!
I’m never sore after my workouts, why?
Hmmm, are you using perfect form? Really? If you’re not using a full range of motion on your squats, lunges, bench presses, pull ups, presses, etc., and using the heaviest weight you can while pushing yourself outside what’s comfortable, then yeah, you’re probably not sore. Even if the workout seems to be exhausting you at that moment, ask yourself if you can run a little faster, jump a little further or do one more set. My guess is you can! If you are a hard worker and still not sore, try using eccentric moves. The simple way to explain it is do everything slow as you lower weight down, with a normal pace back up.
What are the best snacks to eat?
This is an easy one. Stay away from cute little colorful packages filled with processed crap, even if it claims to be a healthy food. Look for things without advertisements like fruits and veggies. Cut them up, have them with hummus, Greek yogurt, string cheese, hard boiled eggs, rolled-up turkey breast and nuts. Simple and good.
Jaime, why can't I have my Zero Calorie Vitamin Water while I'm working out? Or Gatorade or Powerade or anything but water?
Unless you're a serious athlete, spending hours on a workout, you don't need all that stuff. It tastes great, but it’s also a functional drink meant to replenish your body’s electrolytes and calories so you don’t pass out. After a super-hard workout, it’s great for anyone in moderation. If you're just drinking it while you’re at work or hanging out, consider it a soda with empty calories. The Vitamin Water Zero I like because they use (at least some flavors) Stevia, which is a natural alternative to sugar. No chemicals. However, during a workout, it can make you thirstier, so water is best.
Remember, there are no stupid questions, but you’re an idiot if you don’t ask. Keep them coming! In the meantime, I hope these help.
What questions do you have? Tell me in the comments.
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