Tuesday, February 14, 2012

How "Good" Are You at Picking Restaurants?

Are you a health minded person?  
Do you care about foods you eat, where they come from and how they are prepared?  

Would you rather feed your child a burger that came from a happy cow who ate grass on a farm
or a roided out cow, fed GMO corn in a sh*t stained stall?

Would you rather eat a freshly picked apple from your local farmer's market or an apple picked
6 months ago, chemically ripened underground, waxed and shipped across the world to your grocery store? 

I think the answers are obvious, I hope! 
And that's just it. It's so obvious to when you're doing the shopping, 
when you're doing the cooking but what about when you go out to restaurants?

Do your same principles apply?

"SHUT UP, I'M EATING!" nom nom nom.....

Exactly my point.  

Suddenly that free-rangin'-organically minded-pesticide hatin'-death to Monsanto attitude goes out the window and it's 'dinevor' time.  nom nom nom.....

Think about the last time you went to a restaurant and contemplated where the tomatoes on your house salad came from or wondered if the eggs in your omelet were really farm fresh.  Did you consider what your top sirloin was eating before you ate it?  

I'm waiting........

Still here............

is it time to shave?

You get the point.  Most of us don't think about it too often but props to you if you do.  

Ok, I know what you are thinking... and I don't know why I'm single either.

Oh, that's NOT what you were thinking?  Was I thinking that?  Wait, where am I? 
Oh blog, right.  

So what were you really thinking?  Probably something similar to most of us when we go out. 
"When I go out,  I'm going to go out and get whatever I want.  It's a treat. nom nom nom...."

Well, the average person eats out 4-5 times per week, so let's not pretend it's the rare occasion that you step foot into a restaurant.  Consider the drive through breakfast, the sandwich shop, your favorite take out and then maybe the occasional steak house outing as a treat.  

But I wonder, why is our treat our reward, our victory over a hard week at the cost of supporting farmers and ranchers who raise GMO government subsidies like corn, soy, wheat.  
I consider those products the Franks Red Hot of agriculture; they put that sh*t on everything. 

This week, I do have a point and shame on you for letting your mind wander and doubting me.

Why am I single?  Where am I?  Who Are you?  (It's my mexican mustache.  At Dad's house.  Hi Sis!) 

Yes, my mind wanders. 

Getting back to you, let me ask a question.  
If you had the choice between going to a restaurant who uses horrible, sad practices and ingredients to run their business; buying cheap poor quality meat and produce from 10,000 miles away or going to a restaurant who chooses honorable ingredients and practices; buys from local sustainable farmers, carries only hormone free meats, pastured chicken eggs, organic produce, recycled their waste and actually cared about doing good within the community, who would you choose?  

Again, pretty obvious.  The problem of course is that these places, while getting more popular, are still fairly few and far between.  BUT THEY DO EXIST!  In fact, one of the best parts of being back in Chico is discovering Leon's Contemporary Bistro.  Chef Ann Leon has more than outdone herself. Her restaurant is everything I mentioned and more; grass fed hormone free meats, local organic produce she's even hooked up with fully sustainable wineries and composts the restaurant waste.  She considers herself the "yes" chef.  If you have specific dietary needs; vegetarian, gluten free, PALEO, she'll do it for you at no additional charge!!! How cool is that?!!

Too cool.

But, here's another problem. If I didn't tell my awesome San Diego readers about this place and the way Ann runs her restaurant and you didn't happen to read about it in some magazine, how would you ever know? Along the same line, if you're traveling and want to grab a bite in your destination spot and don't want to succumb to bad food, how do you know where to go?

I may have found a solution, but I'm not giving all the details away just yet.    

In the meantime, I was wondering if you could help me out. If you could go to  ------> this google document  (<------that one back there. Click on it!) fill it out and help get me one step further in finding a solution for us healthy and "good" minded people   The document explains everything so I won't bore you with more details, if you're even still awake.





  1. There are many many good restaurants like this in San Diego. The Pearl, Sessions Public, Starlite Lounge to name a few. I've found in my travels and in this day and age of smartphones, Yelp can be your best friend when you are seeking the healthier choices that actually taste far better than that other crap. Although a shitty Denny's breakfast may always hold a small place in my heart.

  2. CJ, you mean Lenny's. lol Remember that commercial? Geez. Thanks for the tips on the restaurants and for reading. I know SD has more of these places than your average city.

  3. Hi sis :) Vacaville sucks.. NOTHING healthy or mindful eating ANYWHERE! I wish there were.. I'd be there daily! I watched Food Inc for the first time, and it explained the importance of grass fed beef vs corn fed. E-coli bacteria is naturally killed by the grass/digestive process in cows by 80%. 0% by corn fed. Interesting.. to say the least. I don't think it's a matter of the average consumer "wondering why our healthy, weight, etc. is what it is", but the large number of consumers are just merely lazy, out of time, don't care and/or in denial. But.. with that, you are a saving grace to those of us who DO CARE and will make TIME to seek it out. Thanks sis!

    1. Oh no, THANK YOU, SIS! Another thing to consider is the amount of omega 6 's you are consuming with grain fed cows. Omega 6's are ok for us, in fact we need them. But our ratio of omerga 6 to omerga 3's are totally out of whack. It should be a 1:1 and we most people (unhealthy, eating poorly) are about 1:20 or higher favoring the omega 6. In order to get that ratio where it should be, we need to consume more omega 3 (fish oils, grass fed animals) and less omega 6 (soybean oil, vegetable oils). I will cover that issue in an upcoming post.
      We're gonna fix this issue, one say at a time :) xo

  4. Real quick.. could you please include a tid-beat about all the hype about soy products which go against the studies linked to cancer, etc.? It's confusing information. The ones that are trying to figure out the road map to good health can easily get stuck in some of these mud pits of confusing information - and end up doing more damage than good! What makes you interesting to follow - is that you help simplify this madness into easily digestible information - "look at me, I ate organic, non-hormone/antibiotic chicken, exercised AND lived another day to brag about it" hehe
