Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Paleo Diet Works

I'm a believer!

You know I'm not a fad diet kind of girl.  Anything that claims to "get you the body you've always dreamed of in 7 days or less" is a bunch of hoopla.  Non the less, they're out there, preying on desperate people who claim to have "tried everything!"  -except a natural healthy diet and consistent exercise of course. Weird how that option is somehow overlooked and yet it's the one thing that works every single time.
I have a client and friend who recently got married.  Big shout out to Dr. D!  1 month before her wedding, we had a discussion about the final "leaning out" stage in her training.  The time where the last few abs start to show and shoulders have a nice rounded line at the top.  Basically, how most of us want to look all the time. A lot of this has to do with food, but I wasn't about to give her some jacked up Lemonade or Hollywood Diet.  Insert DUH  face.

I had heard of The Paleo Diet  in the past.  Something about being a caveman, eating dinosaurs and other cavemen.  Come to find out, in addition to Brontosaurus Burgers and Flintstone Surprise, you fuel your body with tons of fruits and vegetables, healthy fats like nuts, avocados, coconuts, seeds, healthy oils etc. while completely eliminating processed foods, grains, dairy - all things human were not meant to consume. Sounds healthy and effective, I like i.....hold up.

No dairy, grains, no legumes?  No yogurt, no oatmeal, no whole wheat bread, no beans.

These are supposed to be healthy foods.  WTF?
Doc went and bought the books and I immediately stole them from her. I sat and read The Paleo Diet book cover to cover. Considering my last read started with "once upon a time...." this should tell you just how interesting it really is.  To be honest, I was shocked and a little taken back.  Here was a book that was telling me that grains were not made for human beings.  Again, WTF?! You're telling me, the girl who has preached to hundreds of people that 50%-60% of your diet needs to come from whole grains, that suddenly grains are the devil (my word, not theirs)?

Jaime, you have some 'splainin to do.

I agree. Keep reading.

Here's what I did. Cleaned out my cupboards, my fridge and turned total cave girl.   Started killing and eating everything in sight.  Zebra. Giraffe. The neighbor's dog.  Ok, not that cave girl, but  I started phasing out my typical toast with peanut butter, oatmeal or cereal breakfasts.  Replacing them with fruits, nuts, eggs, veggies and even lean meats.  I started only eating fruits, veggies, nuts, meats for my snacks, lunches and dinners.  I thought I would be hungry, I'm not.  I thought I wouldn't have energy, I do. I thought I would miss the old foods, I don't.
So again, I'm a believer.  If you would like to try eating this way, I highly recommend it. To get started, below is a brief summery of how to eat Paleo and perhaps a few questions answered.

So what can I eat on The Paleo Diet?
Good question.  The bulk of your diet will be vegetables and fruits.  Next, lean meats/proteins. Followed by nuts and seeds and healthy fats like coconut, avocados, walnut and olive oil and finally special treats like dried fruits, sweet potatoes, yam fries etc For amazing Paleo recipes like almond cakes and coconut curry frittata, go to Everyday Paleo. Sarah is awesome

Ok, what can't I eat on The Paleo Diet?

  • No Cereals
  • No Legumes
  • No Dairy
  • No Processed Foods

If you want a full description as to why, check out   Personally, I thought that not eating beans or dairy was a bit much.  I did it anyway, a little bit.  Then slowly stopped all together.  I will say this.  If I go back to eating legumes or dairy, it's not that I get sick, I just don't feel amazing or even good.  In order to see how your body truly reacts with certain foods, take them away and reintroduce after a period of time and then determine how you feel.  

 Won't I be hungry?
No! If you're still hungry after your paleo style meal, go back and eat fruits and veggies until your full.  The thing is, natural food is designed to fill us up, hitting all the right triggers in our brains and signaling that we're satisfied.  If your still hungry after eating a meal of leans proteins, veggies and fruits, then you know it's because your body truly needs more nourishment's and not because the food is chemically engineered to cause you to over consume.  I mean, how many times do you eat 2,3,4,5 apples, chicken breasts, avocados, pork chops etc. ?  You just don't really have the urge right?  Now how many times do you eat 3,4,5,6 slices of pizza or hot dogs or bugers or helping of fries.  It's ok, we all do and it's because it's designed that way.

What about my energy levels?  I need carbs!
Exactly, you need carbs!   Fruits and vegetables are carbohydrates and almost half your diet will be just that.  Carbs does not just mean pasta, rice, bread and grainy foods.

I can't give up breads, pasta, cereals, oatmeal - I just can't!
Yes, you can.  I thought the same thing.  Just try it for a week or 2.  See how you feel.  Make it a challenge!

Hey Crazy, sounds a little extreme
It's extreme if you're used to eating garbage. In that case, sounds like you need help anyway.  This is the way we were designed to eat.  So you don't get Cheerios, cheese and refried beans. So what.  The trade off is you get to feel amazing, all the time! That's why I am confident in my suggestions since all I am telling you to do is fill your plates with lots of fruits, veggies and other healthy things.  Oh, and getting rid of processed crap.  Shame on me.

The bottom line, eat what makes you feel and look your best.  Do I still splurge on my beloved beer and occasional cocktails, yes.  But I more than make up for it.  Personally, I have never felt or looked better.  That sounds conceded, but whatever dude. It's taken me 29 years to say it.  About f*cking time!


  1. Excellent article Jaime. I am starting today!

  2. Great read and thanks for being the guinea pig! I guess I should try it out now What did you have for breakfast most days? I've never felt or looked better either, but I credit you for that. :)

  3. Loved this-I just laughed out loud at least 5 times!! Going cave girl is definitely challenging, but after a few weeks of trying, I've finally embraced it. And as a result, on those occasions when I do indulge in modern man food, my stomach actually hurts.

    Jaime, I wanna know what you're eating too, besides just animals and plants (although that plate diagram was hilarious!)

  4. I have to say I have been on every diet under the sun you name it I tried it including Hydroxycut when I was a freshman in college luckily it made my heart race so fast I threw it in the garbage the next day. I was skeptical on Paleo for awhile, especially considering some of my good friends are indeed meatheads and preachers of the caveman lifestyle and have been for quite awhile....but when my good friend Kim said she was challenging herself to try it I decided to get on the bandwagon. i have to say it is truly amazing, I have never felt better and feel like I look better even though the scale has not moved(thanks if great part to Jaime's kick ass workouts as well) I have more energy, feel better, have less cravings and frankly like myself more. I admit I fall off track and eat something non-paleo and then pay for it with a stomach ache, like anything it's a work in progress for me but something I DEFINITLY am going to stick with, unlike the fad diets I have tried in the past. I am no longer obsessed with trying to count my calories but instead trying to eat natural good food. Thanks for your insight JJ
