Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Got Milk, Or Not?

What's better than a fresh batch of warm cookies and a tall glass of cold milk?  If you just boxed jumped on to your kitchen table, ripped off your shirt and yelled MEAT! VEGGIES! WATER! MUSCLE UPS!...Dude, chill out.  Nobody's looking, you can agree that this stuff at least tastes good.  

 Now put your shirt back on.   

Growing up and being the rolly polly I was, cookies dunked in milk was my favorite
snack........dessert........entree.  To be honest, anything dunked in milk.  MILK!  Loved the stuff as a kid. I used to drink so much, my nana would see me and say " oh, there's goes my little calf."   
Did she just call me a cow? A small cow, but a cow none the less.  

Oh well, gulp gulp gulp, dunk dunk dunk, waddle waddle waddle.

If you're on the primal wagon, dairy is off limits (with the exception of grass-fed/pastured butter).  Do you know why?  
Everyone, in unison 

Yes, but do you know why? 


Oh dear God.
Yes that's true, cave folk weren't exactly chasing down saber cats and milking them. Except for Greg Focker's ancestors.  They probably milked cats. 

Robb Wolf, Mark Sisson and other brilliant minds can explain the super science behind the dairy exclusion, but here's a few things to consider for now:
  • We are the only species to consume milk after infancy.
  • We are the only mammals to drink another mammal's milk.
  • Our bodies haven't evolved enough to properly digest dairy.  One more time, "IF A CAVEMAN DIDN'T EAT IT, WE DON'T EAT IT."

But isn't dairy good for me?

No, not really.  But later on I'll discuss some loopholes. 

But what about all the health claims?  

Oh right, the propaganda, I mean "health claims" created by *Big Dairy and our true blue American 
* government.

Big Dairy: Conventional dairy factories interested in high production and making money. Not interested in health of the cows, the planet or you.
*Government: Factory of congressmen interested in high production and making money. Not seemingly interested in health of the cows, the planet or you.

You Remember the claims, right?

Want healthy bones? Drink milk!
Want a pretty smile? Drink milk!
Want to lose weight? Drink non fat milk!
Want to shoot like Kobe, bend it like Beckham and look like Brinkley, DRINK MILK!




Well, you decide. 

Fun Fact!
Countries who consume the least amount of dairy have the lowest rated of osteoporosis. Americans  consume over 600 lbs of dairy per year (per person), an abundance of calcium from dairy, yet suffer some of the highest rates in the world.  Hmm, that's odd.

Oh, and about those so called health claims above.....

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently asked the UDSA to look into the scientific basis of the claims made in the "milk mustache" ads. Their panel of scientists stated the truth clearly:
• Milk doesn't benefit sports performance.
• There's no evidence that dairy is good for your bones or prevents osteoporosis -- in fact, the poor quality animal protein it contains may help cause bone loss!
• Dairy is linked to prostate cancer.
• Dairy causes digestive problems for the 75 percent of people with lactose intolerance.
• Dairy aggravates irritable bowel syndrome. 
Simply put, the FTC asked the dairy industry, "Got Proof?" -- and the answer was NO!
(Dr. Mark Hyman)

So how am I supposed to get calcium?  

Calcium is important, but not in the mass quantities that Americans consume. Far superior sources that are bodies are better suited for are:
  • Salmon, sardines
  • Dark leafy greens like spinach, kale, swiss chard 
  • Seaweed
  • Broccoli
  • Some seeds

Not to mention you are probably Vitamin D deficient.  That's the real ticket in preventing cancers, diabetes (I and II), obesity, depression, osteoporosis and a boat load others.   

Great sources:

  • Cod liver oil
  • Salmon
  • Tuna
  • Eggs from chickens that play in the sun
  • Meat from animals that play in the sun
  • The best way of course is good old fashioned sunshine!

Hey Twilight, go outside.  While you're at it, walk to the store and buy a quality D3 supplement and some fish oil too. 

So all dairy is totally off limits?  

As you can see above, we don't need dairy to survive and thrive. In fact, there's a lot of evidence to support dairy being completely disastrous for human consumption.  However, I'll bet most of those negatives associated with dairy are because it came from a very sad cow on a production line being fed GMO soy and corn, not a happy cow living on a real farm eating grass and playing in sunshine. Totally different story.  Insert possible dairy loophole as promised above. 

Check out  Mike Adams' pictogram from Natural News.  

Don't just skim over, really read it!


In conclusion, finally.

Do I think we're meant to have dairy and need it to be healthy?  No.

Do I think "Big Dairy" is full of shit?  Yes.

Do I think there are some benefits in RAW (or grass fed/pastured) dairy? Yes, in moderation.  But play around with it and see how you feel.

Good places to find RAW ( or grass-fed/pastured) dairy?
Local health food stores.  The Safeways, Vons and Alberstons of the world won't have it.

Look for brands like:
  • Humbolt  Creamery
  • Strauss Family Creamery
  • Organic Pastures RAW dairy
  • Kerrygold (irish ) - Trader Joes carries their butter and cheese
  • Sierra Nevada Cheese Co. 
 Enough about what I think, what do you think?  Have you had any experiences with dairy in your diet and taking it away?  Different brands?  

Come on, leave me some comments so I know you're reading. 

Author's note:  This is what I know and will share today.  Although it's unlikely, 50 years from now dairy could save the world!  I encourage you to question everything you buy, everything you're fed and everything you read, even this.


  1. Hate Milk..Love cheese..but great article....and will most definitely....switch RaYa to the right milk products!!! :)

  2. I'm with you Jaime.. after all, we were raised under the notion that we MUST drink milk - even though Papa couldn't stand it (thanks to him being raised on a farm and forced to drink the curd with the milk..ew!!). Of course, I (we) passed that down to the kiddos too. After paying closer attention to my stomach issues a few years ago and thought of the connection to milk (most in part because of you), I slowly backed off of it while dealing with incredible withdrawals (for my love of milk of course). Couldn't believe how much better I felt. Was tested for lactose intolerance.. no sign there - so after reading the above, who's to say that it could possibly be related to all the "stuff" inside regular pasturized milk?! Not too long ago, I learned that milk has an INCREDIBLE amount of sugar in it (because of you again) and I have slowly (and discreetly) have backed the kiddos off too. They are much more resistant.. but baby steps, right? I, too, love cheese.. but as we become more aware (that's the key right?!) our diets AND shopping habits are changing.. good/fresh food has never been the issue - but "clean" food and "ethically sourced" food (for us) is (now). Now - how to give up PB Cap'n Crunch. :)

  3. Do you know much about Trader Joe's organic milk? We are VERY limited at our health store options in/near Vacaville. Any ideas would be great. Also, Costco carries organic, but is that necessarily a good option?

    1. Organic milk just means that the cow was fed organic feed. So most likely organic grain, something it should not be eating at all. Of the two, buy trader's milk. Raley's has a decent "health" section. Look for any brands listed above. It may be worth googling these brands or making a trip 2x per month to Sacramento area.

    2. Oh and DEATH TO THE CAPTAIN!!

  4. I've completely replaced milk with almond milk. After a week or so I like it better. It's just like switching from Whole to low fat. No biggy. BTW Had Almond milk hot chocolate today YUM :)

    BTW: My Four Hour Body book from Tim Ferris said that one modification to the don't eat white things was cottage cheese in moderation. Thoughts?

    1. Cottage cheese is high in a milk protein called casien. If you talk to any bodybuilder, he's probably easting a ton of cottage cheese to get this seemingly high quality protein. The problem is that casien is probably causing major inflammation in the body and the reason is that we are taking in the wrong casien from the wrong cows. I'll try not to geek out too much here. Most cows in america are the lesser breeds like holsteins. These cows are considered A1 cows and produced basically a toxic product. We want A2 cows like Jerseys, African cows and Asian cows, they produce a higher quality product. In fact, the french only except milk from these types of cows to make their cheese. Very good and very easily tolerated in the gut. So my advise is to stay away from regular old cottage cheese. If you can find one from sheep or goat, that would be better. If you can find one from a pretty jersey cow (the black and white cows), that's good too. All about the quality baby!

  5. Very interesting and provocative read! I've discovered that organic milk tastes SO much better than regular milk so even though we don't buy milk often, if we do, it is definitely organic! What about Greek yogurt? It is one dairy item that I do eat a lot of.

    1. Dr. D!!!! I know you love your greek yogurt. So same deal. Fermented dairy can be beneficial, but find a quality source. Fage appears to use raw milk, which is probably why theirs tastes so good. I don't know where they source their milk from though. Hopefully happy cows. Make sure you're eating the full fat yogurt, no non fat, no low fat. Strauss family creamery makes a European style that is wonderful! Its not as thick, but pretty close. To thicken it up, add some keifer cheese to it, plus you'll get some extra healthy bacteria! Thanks for reading D! Tell Shane hello :)

  6. OMG it's about time the healthy renegade came back ;) I hate milk, and ice cream always have which is weird considering I grew up in America's Dairyland state. I do enjoy making raw almond milk in my vitamix which is a great alternative. I do however LOVE cheese. I cut it out completely for awhile and then started eating it again and it made me bloated and I felt terrible. I do eat it once in awhile not every day or multiple times a day like I grew up doing. I do notice parmesan and other hard cheeses seem to digest better than the cheddar, swiss etc.
