You should, you reeeeeeeeeeally should.
If you've seen the news headlines lately, and I'm talking past the important stuff like"Ryan Seacrest Gets a Haircut" and "Like Grits? You Might Be a Republican," (Seriously, WTF?) you'll probably find an article about GMOs and California's motion to get them labeled on food. Have you heard of this? It's called the California Right To Know Genetically Engineered Food Act. If you haven't heard, CA is fighting for mandatory labeling of all GMO containing products.
I occasionally mention GMOs, but I'm not positive that everyone knows what they are and would further bet some of you think I'm a dyslexic valley girl.
"Like, don't you mean 'OMG', dummy?"
Like, no. However, if they do pass the labeling law, I think in front of each GMO label there should be a picture of Alicia Silverstone with a caption reading "Like OMG, don't be clueless....this shit will f*cking kill you!"
Totally Alicia, totally.
Back to basics. What's a GMO?
A GMO (genetically modified organism) is the result of a laboratory process of taking genes from one species and inserting them into another in an attempt to obtain a desired trait or characteristic, hence they are also known as transgenic organisms. This process may be called either Genetic Engineering (GE) or Genetic Modification (GM); they are one and the same.
This can't be good.
- Spider genes were inserted into goat DNA, in hopes that the goat milk would contain spider web protein for use in bulletproof vests. (this did work and in fact they spliced that gene with human skin to create bullet proof skin. Hello, X-Men)
- Cow genes turned pigskins into cowhides.
- Jellyfish genes lit up pigs' noses in the dark.
- Arctic fish genes gave tomatoes and strawberries tolerance to frost.
- Potatoes that glowed in the dark when they needed watering.
- Human genes were inserted into corn to produce spermicide.
We aren't necessarily eating glow in the dark pigs, but just an example of what they are capable of. It's interesting, but I fear where this technology is headed......
Did we learn nothing from Arnold, Will, Mary Shelly and Wolverine?!!!? Yeah, it's all fun and games until your iphone gets mouthy.
* left. turn.....stupid*
Did you say something, Suri?
Back to food and GMOs, what makes them so bad?
Simply put, they are snuffing out our planet and slowly killing us. It's not food, it's the idea of food.
These 'RoundUp Ready' seeds are mutants. Instead of growing corn, they are growing insecticide and covering it with a corn hologram. A pretty picture, but void of consumer value.
Some GMO foods have been proven in laboratory tests to...
CAUSE: cancer, sterility, miscarriages, seizures and even death!
Have you ever wondered why seemingly healthy individuals can't get pregnant or get cancer or why so many kids are now born with autism?
Not to mention, since GMOs became rampant on the shelves back in the 90's, these types of diseases and illnesses have skyrocketed. It's no wonder and no coinsidence. GMOs are almost impossible to avoid at this point.
Possible GMOs include but not limited to: Aspartame (also called AminoSweet,NutraSweet, Equal Spoonful, Canderel, BeneVia, E951), baking powder, canola oil (rapeseed oil), caramel color, cellulose, citric acid, cobalamin (Vitamin B12), colorose,condensed milk, confectioners sugar, corn flour, corn gluten, corn masa, corn meal, corn oil, corn sugar, corn syrup, cornstarch, cottonseed oil, cyclodextrin, cystein, dextrin, dextrose, diacetyl, diglyceride, erythritol, Equal,food starch, fructose (any form), glucose, glutamate, glutamic acid, gluten, glycerides, glycerin, glycerol, glycerol monooleate, glycine, hemicellulose, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), hydrogenated starch,hydrolyzed vegetable protein, inositol, inverse syrup, inversol, invert sugar, isoflavones, lactic acid, lecithin, leucine, lysine, malitol, malt, malt syrup, malt extract, maltodextrin, maltose, mannitol, methylcellulose, milk powder, milo starch,modified food starch, modified starch, mono and diglycerides, monosodium glutamate (MSG), Nutrasweet, oleic acid,Phenylalanine, phytic acid, protein isolate, shoyu, sorbitol, soy flour, soy isolates, soy lecithin, soy milk, soy oil, soy protein, soy protein isolate, soy sauce, starch, stearic acid, sugar (unless specified as cane sugar), tamari, tempeh, teriyaki marinades, textured vegetable protein, threonine, tocopherols (vitamin E), tofu, trehalose, triglyceride, vegetable fat, vegetable oil, vitamin B12, vitamin E, whey, whey powder, and xanthan gum.
Go look on the back of any 5 ingredients in your fridge or cupboard. I bet you will see at least a handful of these ingredients somewhere n your kitchen.
As of today, about 80% of all non organic products in your grocery store are filled with GMO's.
How would you know? YOU WOULDN'T!
They love keeping us stupid consumers in the dark and guess what...THEY CAN! There is no required labeling on GMO products which is what the California Right To Know Genetically Engineered Food Act is all about. What's even more scary is that the FDA doesn't require testing of the GMO food before it hits the shelf. Why?
"In 1992 the Council on Competitiveness chaired by Vice President Dan Quayle identified GM crops as an industry that could increase US exports. On May 26, Quayle announced “reforms” to “speed up and simplify the process of bringing” GM products to market without “being hampered by unnecessary regulation.”[5] Three days later, the FDA policy on non-regulation was unveiled.
The person who oversaw its development was the FDA’s Deputy Commissioner for Policy, Michael Taylor, whose position had been created especially for him in 1991. Prior to that, Taylor was an outside attorney for both Monsanto and the Food Biotechnology Council.
After working at the FDA, he became Monsanto’s vice president."
Somethings fishy and it's not your Salmana.
There are many disgusting connections between big food biz and government. Check out just a few of their ties here. For now, a quick intro in the world of Monsanto. Who are they??
Monsanto is a US based agricultural and pharmaceutical monopoly. They are a producer of herbicides, prescription pharmaceutical drugs, and genetically engineered (GMO) seeds. They are probably best known for producing the weed killer “Roundup." You know, the stuff you have hidden in the shed so your kids can't get near it? Yeah, they created that along with agent orange (chemical used during Vietnam war causing a multitude of health problems) , PCBs, dairy cow hormone, (rBST/rBGH produced through a genetically engineered GMO E. coli bacteria), DDT, dioxins and a boat load of other chemical cocktails. Guess who was heavily involved in creating the first nuclear bomb back in WWII? Yep, ol Monsanto.
I don't know about you, but I would rather not have a company who's in the business of producing chemicals, drugs and experienced at nuclear/chemical warfare anywhere near the production of my food. This seems a little like accepting a 'reformed' child molester as your kid's school teacher. Would you be comfortable with that?
Currently Monsanto controls about 90% of GMO seeds as well as the herbicide/pesticide production.
Control the seeds, control the chemicals, control the food supply, control us.
This agro giant has gone above and beyond to ensure GMO labeling be left off your food. Why would they do that? If you asked them directly, they would say it just isn't necessary. In fact, it's considered a food additive and not required. Sure, not required, but if you're so damn proud of your product, claiming it to "feed the world" why would you not let consumers know they exist in their box of Cheerios? Low fat. Tastes great and NOW, with added GMO! Why create a product and not advertise it? If they really are safe and you think your GMOs are just as nutritional dense as organic crops, yield at a higher rate and are believe to be saving the world one enriched grain of rice at a time, why not tell us?
Bottom line, they don't want you to know GMOs because if you did, you wouldn't buy them.
They are not feeding the world, they are destroying it.
They are not safe, they are harmful and deadly.
They are not philanthropists, they are money whores.
They are not farmers, they are murderers of our environment and our health.
How can we avoid GMOs and Monsanto?
- Buy 100% organic products.
- Look for labels that say non-GMO project or non GMO.
- Buy from farmers markets or from the farm directly.
- Avoid processed foods.
- Avoid fast food.
- If you eat at restaurants ask them where their food comes from. Ask them the type of oil they fry in. Hey, it's your health!
- Do your own research. Google brand names and see what pops up. Just because it's in a 'health food store" doesn't mean it's healthy and surely doesn't mean it's GMO free.
- Sign the petition to get GMO labeling on food.
- Don't be deterred from eating healthy. Yes, you are now aware that it takes more work and a little more effort. So what!
Author's note: this is an extremly difficult top to write about. There is so much information out there and hard to narrow it down to a simple blog post. I hope this at least got you interested and I urge you to do more reading.
Thanks for reading :)
Thanks for reading :)
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