Sunday, June 5, 2011

No Gym: Part 2 - Killer Outdoor Workouts

What's the matter? Too tough ?

The average person spends about 5 percent of their time outdoors, 5 percent!
What's up with that?
Save your money on anti-wrinkle cream, Casper ... apparently you don't need it.
San Diego County is the place for outdoor fitness. We not only have the weather on our side, we have parks, beaches, the ocean, lakes, bays, trails, free outdoor workout equipment, fitness parcourses—we've got it all!  Not to mention you're carrying the most affordable portable fitness equipment around: your body.
So this week, I offer you a challenge. Below are five of my underground, highly effective, extremely difficult but definitely do-able outdoor workouts. I want you to pick one and do it this week, then write and tell me how you did.

No. 1 The Heart Stopper
Complete three rounds as fast as possible. No equipment needed. Any open field will do.
  • 25 burpees
  • 100-yard sprint
  • 50 squats
  • 60-second plank
  • 100-yard sprint
  • Rest 1-2 minutes max
No. 2 Highway to Hill
Complete 10 rounds. Just get it done. No equipment needed. Any area with a hill that is roughly 50 yards. 
  • 15 push-ups
  • 30 bicycle twist crunches (you can vary the abdominal work)
  • Hill sprint 
  • 20 fast squats
  • Walk back to bottom of hill and repeat when ready.
No. 3 Park Bench Bonanza
Complete four rounds. Need a park bench. 
  • 20 steps-ups on bench for each leg
  • 10 decline push ups (toes on bench) 
  • 20 triceps bench dips
  • 10 lunges each leg with 1 leg on bench, one on ground
  • 20 V-ups on the edge of bench
No. 4 Beach Butt Blast (BBB) 
Complete three rounds of the exercises. Run back to car. Any low-tide beach will do.
Run in soft sand for 10 minutes. Stop and do:
  • 15 frog jumps
  • 15 jump lunges
  • 15 jump squats
  • 15-second soft-sand sprint
No. 5 Rock the Band
Complete as many rounds as you can in 20 minutes. Need a resistance band and any park that has a pull-up bar.  
  • 15 chest presses 
  • 15 chest flyes 
  • Push-ups to failure
  • 50-yard sprint
  • 20 rows
  • 20 bicep curls
  • Either pull-ups to failure or jump and hold chin up till failure
  • Sprint 50 yards
  • 20 burpees
  • 20 mountain climbers
  • 20 scissor planks
  • 20-second regular plank
  • Sprint 50 yards
I know this stuff is tough. I know this stuff hurts.  If it were easy, everyone would do it and I'd be out of a job. Do yourself a favor and let your body live a little.  
Oh, and if you don't know what those exercises are, just Google them.
Have fun and let me know how it goes (no complaining allowed)!
Which one did you try? Tell me in the comments.

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