Come on, let me here it !
You've seen the studies, the documentaries, the research. You know it's good for you. You know the Surgeon General recommends 30 minutes a day. You know you don't feel well and you sure as hell know those pants aren't fitting any looser. So why are most of us still not exercising regularly? Not five days a week, not four, not three, not two, maybe one but probably none. In fact, 30 percent of us get zero physical activity ... AT ALL!
You've seen the studies, the documentaries, the research. You know it's good for you. You know the Surgeon General recommends 30 minutes a day. You know you don't feel well and you sure as hell know those pants aren't fitting any looser. So why are most of us still not exercising regularly? Not five days a week, not four, not three, not two, maybe one but probably none. In fact, 30 percent of us get zero physical activity ... AT ALL!
And of course you know that little to no exercise combined with an enriched, processed, fast food/crap food-laced with sugar, salt and fat diet has caused two-thirds of the adult American population to become either overweight or obese.
Should I even mention that one-third of our children are following in the same footsteps?
Sure, we can sit here and play the blame game. Point fingers at our government for budget cuts in schools causing them to discontinue recess and PE classes. But the average American child spends seven hours attached to a television, a video game or computer. So is it solely the school's fault for the kids lack of movement?
We can get upset at Ronald McDonald and that frumpy purple thing for capitalizing off the seemingly inexpensive Super Size menu and making the connection between plastic toys and bad food. However, nobody is forcing us to hang a left into the drive through, so why get mad at them?
Does Peggy from accounting really deserve the eye roll? After all, she was just being nice bringing those Christmas cookies into the office, and I highly doubt she was waving a machette, forcing you to eat all 16 of them.
I'll admit, there are things out there that don't make it easy: long days, office snacks, hungry kids and quick drive-throughs. The truth is, everyone works, everyone has temptation, everyone has long days and everyone is busy. So what the heck are those healthy people who exercise and eat right doing? If we are all in the same boat, how are they so different?
It's not that they have more time, more money or fewer responsibilities. It's quite simple actually: They choose to not excuse!
Part of my day consists of following up with clients and friends. All the time, I'm asking them:
Where have you been? Haven't seen you in class? Did you get a workout in today? Did you eat your healthy meals and snacks?
Sometimes it's legitimate, but most times I hear:
"I've been sooooooooo busy."
"I didn't have time to eat or pack my lunch"
"Oh, my boss made me stay late."
"I was tired, so I just didn't get up."
Bullsh*t Bullsh*t Bullsh*t!
I know that things happen that are out of your control. I understand that your kids get sick or you had a fender bender on the road. Those are reasons, not excuses. The ones who feed me the constant bull are the same ones who hate their bodies, have high blood pressure, have low self esteem, are uncomfortable in their own skin. It's the 70 percent on the fast track to their preventable death beds (112,000 per year actually) who use every excuse to get out of exercise or good habits.
So today, I'm going to squash the top six excuses that I hear from people trying to wiggle out being healthy.
SOLUTION: Really? The average person watches five hours of TV per day and yet seven out of 10 people are overweight. I'm no math whiz but if you carry the one and divide by two ... LOOKS LIKE THERE'S TIME TO ME!!!
Exercise doesn't have to be this sweaty, dreaded task. If you could squeeze in just 30 minutes of walking or even split that 30 minutes into three, 10-minute sessions, you can make a fantastic impact on your health.Excuse No. 2— "I'M TOO HUNGRY AND TIRED AFTER WORK."SOLUTION: You shouldn't be hungry because you should have packed your healthy snacks with you, right? Otherwise, spend the buck and buy a protein bar. If you just got off work, yeah, you're probably going to be a little tired. However, chances are you were sitting ALL day and the tiredness is a mental thing, not physical. So by forcing yourself to do the workout, you'll feel amazing and prevent yourself from turning into a stressed out, angry slug when you get home.Excuse No. 3—"IT'S TOO EXPENSIVE TO EAT HEALTHY. FAST FOOD IS CHEAP AND QUICK."SOLUTION: OMG! Don't make me get all ganster on your ass. I know it may seem like a deal to grab the two for five Western heart attacks or the $0.99 McGarbage, but it's so processed and full of sugar, salt and fat, you'll be hungry shortly after and seeking out your next meal. Where's the deal in that?Eating healthy can be very inexpensive. A package of whole wheat pasta costs less than two bucks. Add a jar of red pasta sauce for another 2 bucks and a package of green salad for $1.50, you've got a super healthy meal that will fill up your entire family for less than $6. Not to mention that just 20 minutes of prep work in the kitchen preparing healthy snacks and meals could prevent the tempting drive through after work.Excuse No. 4 – "I NEED TO GET INTO BETTER SHAPE BEFORE I REALLY START TO WORKOUT."SOLUTION: That's like saying you need to clean before the maid comes. Join a beginner fitness class or boot-camp and work at your own pace. If you're serious about getting in shape, this is the best way to hold yourself accountable and get motivated. Don't be scared, just do it!Excuse No. 5—"I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO."SOLUTION: I totally understand. It can be a little intimidating if you are new to the workout scene. Huge machines and sweaty muscle heads around every corner, yikes. I recommend keeping it simple but following four rules:
- Keep your heart rate up (ask your doctor if you have any health problems)
- Do a combination of resistance training and cardio training.
- Do not be afraid to ask the gym staff questions. That's what they are there for and they don't mind at all.
- Work hard!
Excuse No. 6—"I HAVE KIDS AND DON'T WANT TO BE SELFISH WITH MY TIME."SOLUTION: Remember the stats in the beginning? One in three kids are overweight. Yours may or may not be, but turn health and fitness into a family affair regardless. Go play basketball with your kids at the park, ride bikes to school together, go for walks or jogs on the beach, climb stairs at the track. Use it as a way to be together. You may not think exercise is all that fun, but your kids think it's pretty cool to have fit parents who can keep up with them. Trust me, it's more selfish if your aren't exercising and staying healthy.Remember, things will always get in the way, but this is life—YOUR LIFE—we're talking about. Lose the excuse and find a way.If you have questions, need suggestions or want my advice, please shoot me an e-mail or leave a comment below.Thanks!
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