Monday, March 28, 2011

What Motivates You?

We all know that exercise, eating right and being generally healthy has its benefits. There's the obvious reduced risk of chronic disease. The increased longevity. The higher bone density. The increased bone strength.  

That's all nice, but borrrrrrrring!  

These are all very good benefits, but I highly doubt that's what motivates you to get your butt outside the comfort zone and over that wall.
Let's be honest.
When's the last time you said, "Check out the cardiac muscle on that guy!"  Or "Wow,  she sure knows how to reduce her risk of cancer!" "Nice set of bones you got there."


So tell me this, what really motivates you?  More than just general weight loss, more than wanting energy, I want to know exactly what drives you to get up at 5 a.m. and get your sweat on. What pushes you to  put your busy schedule on hold and head to gym for an afternoon workout? There's got to be a reason why you're on your 10th  bag of raw veggies while your co-workers all relish in a sea of donuts and Mac Whatevers.

Everyone should have at least one passionate reason, something personal and something specific. If you don't or have never really thought about it, now is the time. Don't just do it to do it. Work toward a goal or you'll stay the same forever.  
In the comments section below, I want you to tell me what motivates you to kick your own ass. Share you reason, become accountable. Remember, accountability creates results.
Having trouble? Steal a few of my renegade reason's to get into shape.
  • Because sex is much better when you're confident. 
  • Your $100 pair of jeans haven't been worn in three years.
  • You can't keep up with your kids.
  • Your friends call you Weezy.
  • Muscle looks better.
  • You want to keep your mate's eyes on you.
  • You're sick of making lame excuses every time your friends invite you to go to the beach or pool. 
  • When you sit, you hate that your stomach falls over your pants.
  • Because you used to be in awesome shape and now you're not.
  • For once, you want a six-pack stomach and not a pony keg belly.
  • You're dying to make your ex think twice.
  • You want to look better at your 10-year reunion than those beezies from high school.
  • You hate back fat.
  • You hate other fat too.
  • What is that stuff that hangs outside your bra and arm pit? Get rid of it!
  • Because buying a new wardrobe of larger clothes would be too expensive.
  • You want to walk up a flight of stairs without seeing stars, and Jesus. 
  • You want to look good naked and not dash under the covers like a bed bug when the lights come on.
Can you relate to any of mine?  Let me know below.

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