Friday, April 1, 2011

Are You Sabotoging Your Fitness Goals?

Sabotage: a deliberate action aimed at weakening another entity through subversion, obstruction, disruption, or destruction.
Such a horrible word and yet, so often we are fully accept throwing our-self smack dab in front of it.
We are a society of self- sabotagers.
 “Sabotager isn’t even a word Jaime. You’re such an idiot.  This is going to be the worst article ever. Hmmfp!”
See what I mean?
We sabotage ev-er-y – thing!   The worst part is that we don’t even realize we’re doing it.
Take relationships for example. 
Guy sees Girl. Guy pursues Girl. Girl is stoked! Guy gets Girl. Guy is stoked! A few weeks later, Girl is obsessed – Girl gets scary, Guy gets scared. Guy pulls away, Girl latches on.  Guy tries to run, Girl starts to chase.  Girl's head starts to spin, green stuff comes out.  Guy has no choice-changes name to Gay. Girl had no clue. 
She didn't mean to let her seemingly harmless dose of crazy get in the way of relationship bliss. Poor lil' thing, just didn't know.  
We do this a lot, unknowingly sabotage our success in relationships, careers even achieving that perfect body.  
No?  Don't think so?  Think that you've got all the right moves there, Tom Cruise? I'm a bettin' kind of a girl and I've got 20 bucks that's says you are and don't even know it. 
Read below and find out for yourself.
5 Ways You're Effing Yourself
 -  It seems obvious to no longer consume the 490 calorie, 77 grams of sugar Venti Carmel Frappuccino or the 850 Calorie Lobster-rita.  But what about the “healthy” beverages like blended green teas, enhanced waters and 100% juice?  Sometimes the items we think are healthy, are actually the worst.  They may look innocent enough, but these drinks, along with hundreds of others, are just wolves in sheep's clothing.  Check out the worst drinks in America here. 
Stop the Sabotage! 
  • - Stick to water as often as possible. Dress it up by drinking sparkling.  Accessorize it with lemon and lime.  
  • - Check the sugar content and the calories of all the beverages you drink, drank, drunk. 
  • - Ditch the foo foo drinks all together.  That goes for exotic cocktails and exotic coffee drinks alike. 
- I am all about shooting for the stars, but shoot for the closest one first. Aiming too high can be frustrating when the goal seems light years away. Like it or not, achieving the body you want, in a healthy manner, takes time.  Sure, you can go drink the latest Hollywood diet formula- but then I will have to hunt you down, rub your nose in it and smack you with a newspaper.  Do not cheat!  You'll gain the weight back ten fold, I promise. 
Stop the sabotage!
  • Set smaller, realistic goals.  If your goal is weight loss, focus on smaller numbers like 1-2 lbs per week.  It may seem small, but it's actually safe and appropriate for the average weight loss seeker.  Same goes for wanting to increase fitness levels. Each week add 1 or 2 more repetitions or run and extra 5 minutes. Look at the steps in front of you and not the miles ahead. 
- Why is it that when relatives have you over for dinner, they aren’t satisfied until you are literally rolling around the living room trying to loosen your belt? By not wanting to be rude and letting them throw seconds and thirds on your plate, their bad habits are now your bad habits and ultimately, your big, fat problem.
Stop the sabotage!
  •  Choose the healthiest foods available.  If there are none, cause a huge scene and demand there be chicken breast and leafy greens the next time you come over….or else!
  • Eat your typical portion size.  When they try to give you more, tell them you had a big lunch and you’re full. If that doesn’t work, again, cause a huge scene and demand that they leave you alone or you’ll submit them to Dr. Phil. “My family forces me to eat.”
  • Lead by example.  At this point, sounds like your family could use a crash course in healthy eating 101.
- Exercise is work. Exercise is tough. Exercise is painful. Awesome - Let it be! Don't try to make it easy on yourself or your never going to accomplish anything different. So often I see people trying get out of a hard exercise. Butts up when they should be down.  Grabbing lighter weights when they can go heavier. Walking when they should be running. Make every second count, especially for those of you who claim to not have time to workout.
Stop the sabotage!
  • Attempt the difficult exercise, with good form, even if you can only do it for a second. You will get better over time as long as you stick with it. 
  • If you cannot do the exercise because of injury, it's fine. Know your limitations and work around them.  There is always something you can do.
- Stop filling your head with negative self- sabotaging junk like "I can't do that." If you want it, then go get it.  
Stop the sabotage!
  • Instead of focusing on what you can't do, be proud of what you can do. Bummed that you can't run a mile? Shame on you. Be excited that you can run a half mile, unlike 80% of the country who cannot.
  • Be your own cheerleader and be proud of your accomplishments, no matter how insignificant they may seem. 
Do you ever self sabotage? Tell me in the comments.

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