Friday, February 25, 2011

Inside The Fitness Trainer's Kitchen

Last week I gave you a heads up on the types of things you should be eating. Pretty general stuff like lean meats, fruits, veggies, whole grains and low fat dairy. Some of you wrote me for specific ideas; some asked for the simplest and quickest foods to eat.  So this week I'm giving you 16—no excuse, easy to pack, easy to fix foods that will help you blast fat and keep you on track. 

The 16 items on the right are straight from the kitchen of Jaime Jereb.   These are the foods I consider "the big guns" when fighting the buldge. Below is the list and the reason why they're always in my kitchen, or on my shopping list to buy.
1.  Guinness
I don't care what those other health "gurus" say, sometimes you need a friggin' beer—a real beer. Hell, I'm having one now. Weighing in at just 125 calories for 12 ounces, it's one of the lower calorie beers out there. For more drink tips, check out Happy Hour Fitness
2. Whole Wheat Bread
Full of fiber and goodness. And by the way, if Wonder Bread still makes an appearance in your kitchen, call the exterminator. It's the worst possible thing you can put in your body.  

3. Greek Yogurt
Twice the protein and a fraction of the sugar as regular yogurt.    
4. Fruit
Easy to pack, full of good things and keeps your energy levels up. Frozen is great too and a perfect dessert.
5. Frozen Veggies
No more excuses. Keep frozen veggies in the freezer and you can easily add them to your dinner. I usually add them to stews and soups. Of course, fresh is good too. 
6. Cottage Cheese
Great by itself or add some fruit for a great pre and post workout meal.
7. Eggs
They're little protein bombs. What's not to love? I hard boil them in advance so I can just grab and go for a great snack that keeps me full. 
8. Canned Beans
Open, rinse and they're ready to add to any meal where you want to add fiber, good carbs and protein. I add them to my eggs and salsa for a quick breakfast burrito.
9. String Cheese
A pre portioned piece of cheese no more than 80 calories. Perfect!  
10. Natural Peanut Butter
Yes, it has fat but good fat. My favorite pre workout snack is peanut butter on toast. Keeps you full, but not weighed down.
11. Hummus
Let's be honest, raw veggies are hard to choke down. But if you get to dip them in something tasty like healthy hummus, not so bad right? 
12.  Baby Carrots and Celery
I hate raw carrots, but I make it a goal to eat a few a week. Celery, however, love it.  Well ... as long as there's peanut butter and raisins on it. Who doesn't love "Ants on a Log?"
13.  Nuts and Seeds
Full of healthy fats, omega-3s, vitamins and protein. Also shown to elevate mood and lower stress. It's true!
14. Old Fashioned Oatmeal
Do NOT buy instant oatmeal. It's all instant. Just cook it for a minute in the microwave with water. Done. I add peanut butter or pumpkin seeds and strawberries to add more flavor and help with satiety.
15. Sustainably Caught, Wild Sardines
Stop it! They're actually pretty good. More iron than spinach, more calcium than milk, as much protein as steak and tons of omegas, B-vitamins, potassium—these little fellas are perfect for a snack or a light meal.   
  16. Filtered Water
Just drink a lot of it. The end. 
So there you have it. More ideas, more knowledge. Now you're fully armed with the big guns and even more prepared to reach those goals. 

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