Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy Hour Fitness

Your Guide to a Skinny Happy Hour
Happy Hour Fitness?  It's always the same reaction. 
"She can't talk about cocktails and nachos. She's a fitness coach and fitness coaches don't talk about cocktails and nachos. They just don't!"
I agree, it's a bit unconventional. I mean, when was the last time your trainer gave you a "how to" guide to the bars?  Never? I guess that's why I'm the renegade. The way I see it, and proven through six years of bartending, people WILL go out. Happy or sad. Rich or broke. Dieting or not. Folks flock to bars like moths to a flame—a big neon flame that spells  h-a-p-p-y  h-o-u-r.  Someone's got to teach these poor little moths how to stay on track.
As the renegade fitness coach, my goal is to enlighten you with the best options for food and drinks. Shaving off calories here so you can splurge a little there.  I'm not saying those skinny jeans you haven't worn in 10 years are waiting for you at your local watering hole.  But learn my tricks, tips and secrets to bellying up, and you'll be less likely to belly out. 

Damn! Without adding the orange juice to your screwdriver or the Coke to your whiskey, your standard, 80 proof bar shot (1.5-2 oz of vodka, rum, tequila, whiskey, gin, etc.) has about 80 calories. Keep in mind that the sweeter the drink, the higher the calories.   Although peppermint schnapps might momentarily diminish that dragon breath, it's a mini cup of sugar, weighing in at about 140 calories per shot.
Relax Lemon-Tini loverUnless they are adding actual sweetener like corn syrup or cane sugar, the alcohol is infused with fruit or chemical additive. Calorically speaking, they are exactly the same. I'll drink to that! Although, most flavored vodkas have 5 percent less alcohol than regular vodka. I won't drink to that. 

Using soda water as your mix will save you hundreds of calories. Compare a vodka-soda at 80 calories to a vodka-7up at 130 calories or a vodka-cranberry at 150 calories. The soda pop, the fruit juice, the sweet and sour, a splash of grenadine—all of it is equals sugar and sugar is our enemy. I know it takes some getting used to, but switch to soda water. For an easy transition, use half soda water and half 7up mixed with any alcohol. It's called a "Press." You'll love it.

Unless you plan on running a marathon the next day (which I doubt since you're sitting at a bar) stay away from daiquiris, piña coladas and blended margaritas. They can pack a whooping 400-900 calories. If you're absolutely dying for that sweet treat, opt for low calorie versions. 
Mock Daiquiri: Try rum mixed with cranberry, pineapple, orange juice and a splash of 7up or soda water—only about 150 calories.  
Mock Piña Colada: Malibu rum for the coconut flavor mixed with pineapple juice. Saves you about 700 calories. Mock Frozen Margarita:  Ask for a margarita on the rocks. In fact, call it a "skinny" margarita. A lot of bartenders have caught on and finally know how to mix a lower-calorie version. If not, tell him you want tequila (make it good), fresh lime, splash of orange juice and soda water. No more 500-calorie bombs!

It sure is. Contrary to what you've been told about the 1,000 calorie monster Guinness, a 12-ounce bottle weighs in at just 126 calories. Compare that to a Budweiser at 150 calories. Laugh next time someone claims Guinness is a meal in a glass. Ha!   

 Did you know that low calorie or low carb beer also means lower alcohol content?  Keep that in mind if you are trying to catch a buzz from MGD 64 (64 calories, 2.8 percent alcohol) or a Budweiser Select (55 calories, 2.4 percent alcohol). Sam Adams light is a good choice.  Full of malts and only 119 calories and 4 percent alcohol.

Before those brains cells fizzle out with the beer foam, think of healthier options for your favorite appetizers. It can be done and I'll show you how. For example, instead of breaded, deep fried chicken tenders or fatty little wings, ask for a grilled chicken breast cut up and served with a side of honey mustard, buffalo sauce, carrots and celery. Want an order of nachos without the side of guilt?  No problem.  Ask them for less cheese, no sour cream, extra guacamole (full of healthy fat), lots of salsa, whole black or pinto beans and extra chicken for protein. You've now taken two, traditionally high-fat/calorie bar foods and turned them into protein-packed snacks.

Sometimes we over drink simply because we drink too fast. Want to slow down? Order your drinks in a tall glass, just make sure it's not a giant glass of sugary mix you're sipping on. If your mixer is water or soda water, you can even help yourself stay hydrated. 

Modify, modify, modify!  Just be nice about it. Saving yourself a few calories here and there could make up for the additional calories in the cocktails you're drinking. Tell your server you want grilled fish instead of fried, - 150 calories. Only eat the bottom bun of your burger, - 90 calories. Hold the cheese, - 100 calories. No dressing, - 200 calories.  Switch the fries for fruit, - 300 calories.  No rice in the burrito, - 130 calories. 

You know what I am talking about.  No body ever really wants to take a  "Kamikaze," a "Surfer on Acid," a "White Gummy Bear" or a "Purple Hooter." It's forced upon us from a hero in the crowd. God love him, he tends to order what the general population thinks tastes good … a glass of sugar. Not to mention the bartender feels pressured when he slurs "make 'em good buddy. 
Ah yes, a dollop of whipped cream for good measure. Don't forget, they taste good for a reason. So be polite, lift your glass and throw that shot over your shoulder.  Been there, done that. 

I hope these tips, tricks and secrets are helpful next time you're down at the local pub. Keep in mind, if you want to lose weight, tone up, get healthy and shed belly fat, the bar is the last place you should be. With that said, let's be realistic. Happy Hours are fun and we could all use the occasion cocktail. With these low-calorie versions, now we can afford to have two!

Be good and be smart

    Jaime "the renegade fitness trainer" Jereb
    Tell me a funny bar story below? 

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