Monday, November 15, 2010

The Tweakers New Year's Resolution

Ten holiday tweaks to get you in that little black dress by New Year's Eve.
It's here! Well, almost—43 days until the New Year. I bet you've already been pondering your resolutions.  An endless list of "I'm gonna's" ...
"I'm gonna go to the gym EVERY DAY!"
"I'm gonna eat raw vegetables instead of Fruit Loops for breakfast!"
"I'm gonna fit back in my skinny jeans and not eat carbs till May!"
"I'm gonna stop waving hello and goodbye at the same time"  (you know—when you wave hello, your under arm jiggles goodbye).
Yeah, yeah. You've said it a hundred times right? But when was the last time you really stuck with your resolution? Just like most diets fail, most resolutions fail.  
Sorry to be so brutally honest, but it's true.    
Fact is, most of us use the holidays as a scapegoat to eat, drink and be unhealthy. Swearing up and down that we'll get started as soon as it's all over.  Truth? You won't. Those habits will stay along with the weight and next thing you know, it's Thanksgiving again. Same story, 15 pounds heavier.  
So what if you didn't fall victim to the resolution trap? What if you lost weight this holiday season instead of gained it? What would you say if I told you that ringing in the New Year wearing that little black dress is not only possible, you're going to make it happen?!?! This holiday season, be a tweaker. I said so.
Tweak #10—Turn your New Year's Resolution into  a holiday weight loss challenge. Why wait? TODAY is your January 1st!  
Tweak # 9—Choose healthier ingredients for your favorite dishes/treats. Use whole wheat pastry flour instead of white flour, applesauce instead of butter, brown rice in your casseroles or low fat milk instead of cream. I know, I know, but keep thinking "black dress-black dress-skinny jeans-black dress."
Tweak #8—Pre party at home before you head out. There's bound to be an endless supply of frosted, sprinkled, sugary crap everywhere you go, so fill up on a healthy dinner first. 
Tweak # 7—Drinking and holidays are kind of synonymous. In fact in my family it's required (and necessary). Just remember that alcohol is full of empty calories and downing hot toddies isn't helping you reach those goals any faster. For more lower calorie drink tips, check out "Happy Hour Fitness."
Tweak # 6—Do your research and find healthy alternatives to some holiday favorites like chocolate chip cookiesgreen bean casserole and even hot crab dip. Yum!
Tweak # 5—Instead of spreading that holiday cheer via social media—tweet, update or post your way to accountability. Share your fitness goals with others. If you are accountable, you are less likely to fail.
Tweak # 4—The holidays are usually a time to spend with family (see Tweak #7 :) so why not make this a family challenge? Simple things like having everyone bring lunch instead of buying or making healthy dinners together once a week. Might save some extra money too.
Tweak # 3—Be selfish! Make yourself and your goals a priority. It may sound a little unorthodox, but with all the workouts and good fuel you're feeding your body, you're going to have 10x the energy and be a much happier person—your family will love the positive changes in the healthier, less stressed out you. 
Tweak # 2—Bake with gum? Well bake and chew gum that is. It may seem innocent enough to taste this and try that, but all those bites add up. Pop a piece of sugar free gum in your mouth to fight off the temptation. It's like magic!
Tweak # 1—Here's something you may not have done last season—WORKOUT!!! You need to turn that body of yours into a fat-burning furnace. The only way to do that is by incorporating intense, muscle building workouts at least three days a week. .
January 1st is too late! Start making a change right now. Leave a comment below and tell me your goals.  

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