Wednesday, January 5, 2011

5 Habits of the Fit Person

Amazing results-minimal work. That's what we all want right? A magic pill that not only melts fat and gets you six-pack abs, it'll let you eat like a pig all day, everyday. Awesome, where do I sign up? 

So when people ask me what's the fastest, easiest way to get in shape, I know they are hoping for any answer but the truth. The fact is, there is no fast and easy way to get in shape. I hate to be the bearer of bad news ... scratch that. I love it!  With that said, getting healthy doesn't have to be a horrible experience like so many people think.  The reality of the being fit and staying fit is that it's a lifestyle adjustment. It's not a pill, not a shake, not a bunch of points and most importantly, NOT A QUICK FIX!  It's a better way of living and an overall lifestyle change.   
So what the heck do these healthy people do and how do they stay that way?
Check out these five habits that every fit person has.
Habit #1:  They Have Priorities
Fit people make exercise a priority. Just like going to work, taking care of the kids, feeding the dog—exercise gets done. It is not a luxury, it's a requirement. Consider it a daily part of your life, like brushing your teeth.
Habit # 2:  They Push Themselves to Work Harder
"Keep doing what you're doing, keep getting what you're getting." Fit people know that by pushing themselves outside their comfort zone, they will see better results. Next time you're at the gym, ask yourself: "Can I run a little faster? Can I do another set? Can I work a little harder?"  It's ok to get uncomfortable.  That's where the real change happens.
Habit # 3:  They Have a Clean Diet
If you aren't giving your body good fuel, how can it perform well enough to give you optimal results?  That's why fit people keep it clean, eating whole foods like fruits, veggies, lean meats, whole grains, nuts and seeds and low-fat dairy. Everyone should leave a little room to splurge, but fit people keep it to a minimum, and you should too.  Try eating 80/20.  80 percent of the time eat as healthy as possible.  Twenty percent can be your cheat foods. Eventually work up to 90/10.
Habit #4:  They Drink Lots of Water
Water is a key player when getting and staying healthy. Water keeps you hydrated (dehydration is why some people get headaches), raises your metabolism, keeps you feeling full and will keep you from drinking other high calorie drinks. Make it a goal to drink at least one glass of water with each snack or meal and then two more on top of that. It's really not that much.
Habit #5:  They Have Accountability
Fit people create accountability in their life. They go to boot-camps in the park, they attend group fitness classes at the gym, they have personal fitness coaches, they have serious workout buddies. If you make an appointment and someone is expecting you, are you really going to hit that snooze button or go straight home after work? Probably not.
 A new month is almost here.  It can be a new beginning. I challenge you to implement at least three of these five habits into your life.

Tell me what your new habit will be in the comment section below 

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