Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Road Trips Suck! This Will Help

I made it! Just got back from a nine hour road trip. If you've ever made the grueling drive from Nor-Cal to So-Cal, you know just how hideous California can seem from the angle of I-5. And by the way, happy cows? The only smiling, happy cow I saw was on the side of a tractor trailer, and I'm pretty sure her name was Clover. Baking under the hot sun, in a field of dirt, fighting for the last centimeter of shade hardly describes a happy cow.  There is so much open space in this state (and country), someone please tell my why more animals are not free range.  It's better for you, better for the animals, better for the planet - I smell bullshit!
Oh, don't mind me and my negative attitude. That's what happens when I'm cooped up in a car for half the day. My hips are tight, my back needs a massage and all I can think about is running around the block till my legs fall off – if they're still there. They may have left me, along with my sanity while I was help up at traffic gun point, driving through L.A. The highlight was watching a car burn to death while spectators stood around, undoubtedly discussing the weather and other current events. Right.
I shouldn't be complaining, really. I know my trip would have been 10 times worse had I not followed my healthy travelers "how to" guide. Six ways to make your trip as healthy and pain-free as possible.
Jaime's Healthy Road Trip Guide:
1. How to Eat You are already in an uncomfortable position. Let's not exaggerate the belly hanging over the belt by stuffing your face full of fatty, sugar-laced, processed foods. Stick with unsalted nuts, low sodium deli meats, fresh fruit and veggies. 
2. How to Rest – I have done this many times and I'm still alive.  If you didn't get a good nights sleep and are feeling a little groggy, pull over immediately. I always seek refuge in busy gas stations and restaurant parking lots. Never rest stops, too creepy. I park right in front, put the seat back and snooze for 15-30 minutes. Always worth it.
3. How to Pee – Don't wait until your bladder is about to explode. Make frequent stops throughout your trip.  Personally, my low back pain rages when I really have to go.  Probably near kidney failure since I usually wait till I'm about to burst, prancing around like a 4 year old.  Furthermore, making stops will break up your mental time on the road, as well as give you some relief.  
4. How to Drive – Sitting for that long tightens your hips, legs, neck, shoulders and back muscles.  Attempt to alleviate some of the pain by sitting with a straight back, hands gripping the lower part of the wheel and pulling your abs in a little bit.  
5. How to Fuel – Not your car, you! Your meals before the trip should be light and healthy. If you don't regularly follow my healthy eating tips, now would be a good time to start. Your passengers and your gut will thank you.
6. How to Exercise– You know how to do this, so make sure you do. The morning of your road trip, get a great workout out in. This is not only going to make you feel less guilty for sitting all day, but you will also give yourself an energy boost.  

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