In the past, I have written about excuse making. Oh, the excuses people make to justify not working out and eating healthy.
You: “No time. I work 24 hours a day.”
Me: Yet miraculously, you were able to designate five of those hours to watching television. Congratulations. You've discovered how to add more hours to the day.
You: “I have kids and they get in the way.”
You: “My dog ate my apple!”
Me: Then eat your dog.
You see. It just takes some ingenuity. But today isn’t about making excuses. We’ve been there, done that. Instead, I want to focus on life’s little dilemmas and split-second decision making. That’s really where people get into trouble and fall off the health wagon.
Opting for the cheesecake instead of the fruit. Choosing to sleep in instead of working out. These things aren’t planned out. You get a moment’s notice before they wave that hot fudge under your nose at Baskin Robbins and you have to decide right there if you’re going to be a victim to the chocolate or grab your kid’s tee ball team and get the hell outta there.
To me, this fitness stuff is second nature. I don’t think about it anymore because it’s simply my lifestyle. Does that always make it easy? No! In fact, I’m sitting at my table right now wanting something not so good for me, but I won’t do it! Some of you may think I’m too strict and should give into the temptation every once in awhile. Well, here’s the deal with that.
1) I literally don’t feel well afterward. So as good as that traditional pizza looks, it actually makes me sick. So why would I give into that? What, for 30 seconds of pleasure just to feel ill, then crave more later? Um, I don't think so.
2) I currently like my ass where it sits in my jeans. Thanks.
We all run into these dilemmas, it’s called life. But you must decide if you are weak—falling victim to temptation, always. Or are you strong—making good decisions because you are fully aware of the ultimate outcome.
Too often people find themselves choosing the path that leads to guilt, upset stomach, further away from looking good naked or D) all of the above. Below are a few examples of everyday dilemmas and the decisions we must make. Are you weak or are you strong?
Dilemma No. 1: You’re on the road and you’re starving.
The Weak: Surrenders to the hunger and the neon sign! Stops at the first fast food chain and gobbles down a heart attack deluxe. Why not have some fries and a shake. That will sit nicely in the car for the next four hours.
The Strong: Probably planned ahead (because you knew this would happen) with healthy road snacks and if not, will stop at a grocery store or convenience store and grab a natural nutrition bar, fruit, veggies, jerky, nuts and water.
Dilemma No. 2: The dessert tray comes by your table after dinner. Everyone else is ordering, even though they claim to be stuffed.
The Weak: Surrenders to the sugar! Orders a 1,000-calorie dessert because they are either being a piggy wiggy or giving into peer pressure. Where was that after school special?
The Strong: Knows the dessert, even sharing, will make them feel horrible afterward and opts to order a side of fruit.
PS you don't look nearly as cute eating dessert as this little guy. Although, he may be chewing on a sponge. Though I don't recommend, it's a far superior choice over cheesecake.
Dilemma No. 3: You want to sleep in but realize how busy the day is and the chances of working out later are slim to none.
The Weak: Surrenders to the bed! Stays in bed for 30 extra minutes, which really did nothing at all.
The Strong: Knows how important sleep is, but realizes that the extra 30 minutes will not compare to a 15 minute power nap in the car later. Proceeds to wake up and do 30 minutes of high-intensity work.
The Weak: Looks at it like there isn’t enough time, might as well skip today.
The Strong: Looks at it like a challenge to get as much intense work done as possible. Fifteen minutes of hill sprints, go!
Dilemma No. 5: Eating new foods that are healthy, but maybe different.
The Weak: Blame texture. Blame being a picky eater. Blame it being “grosssss” without ever trying it.
The Strong: Eats for function. “Bring on the nutrition!”
Seriously. If you are acting weak, stop it! YOU are not designed to be weak. YOU are designed to be STRONG, POWERFUL, CAPABLE, be it, like NOW!
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