Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Renegade Update. Finally!

I'm  a week late!! 
Nope, not that kind of late.  Though now that I think about it, might be time to buy a bottle of Sailor Jerry and an E.P.T.  Either way, I feel drinking an entire of bottle of spiced rum is totally appropriate.  

What?  Don't like my jokes? 
Don't fackin' read, you fackin' Fack.

Sorry. SORRY! I'm headed to Boston in a few days and it seems even my fingers are prepping to speak Masshole. 

What am I going for, besides to drinking every Sam Adams beer ever created, you mean?  NOTHING!  That's it!  And maybe to experience what vodka soda tastes like on the east coast, but that's pretty much it.  Some R n' R, just what this girl needs. 

3 months and 1 week ago (hence the week late thing), I posted that I was revamping my life. Trading in all things fine for all things facked, but with hope of all things great.  
Big gamble?  Hell yes! What if things got worse and I got further behind then when I started?  Not to mention I opened my fat fingers and wrote all you people of my ventures. Scary?  Hell yes! A few times I went to blows with a 4 pound cockroach over who got to sleep on the gym's couch.  If that ain't scary I don't know what is.  But was this all worth it?  Hell yes!!  

The past 3 months, I may have slept in a gym, turned my car's trunk into a closet, napped in parks, pirated Internet, cooked with an electric skillet and switch blade, fought roaches and showered less.  But! - in the past 3 months, I've been able to pay off some serious bills, had more than $14 in my checking account and simply learned how to breathe again. I've met an incredible man who's crazy about me and maybe even loves the crazy in me.  I found a cheap, cool place downtown San Diego that allows me to immerse myself in San Diego life.  I obtained awesome new clients who are loyal and supportive.  Of course my Babycakes job where I am surrounded by interesting, hilarious, amazing people who make it fun to go to work everyday, unlike the last job who's employees caused my brain to hemorrhage on a regular basis.   I have my supportive family members who encourage me and will continue to be my biggest fans.  Last but not least, all this money saving and mental clarity has given me the opportunity to go back to school to become a holistic health coach where I can use in conjunction with my fitness coaching.  Of course, I'm hoping to be the holistic coach who still tells their clients it's cool to slam a few beers and good tequila every once in awhile.    

What?  Don't like my approach to health?  

Don't fackin' hire me, you fackin' Fack

To the point of this very self absorbed post.  
Do what it takes to get where you want to be.  Don't be afraid of the unknown, embrace that shit!  If you hate your life, change it!  Don't know how - figure it out! Aren't quite there - keep going! 
That's enough about you, back to me. I'm not exactly where I want to be, but that's ok.  I'm still striving and driving and getting closer to the dream every day.  And that's the latest on Jaime Jereb.

So to my loving and sometimes too worried friends, family and readers.....  
I'm fackin' fine, you fackin' Facks

But thank you and  I sure do appreciate the love :)  

Writers Note:  Future post will have less of me and more about you...maybe....ok, probably not. Don't like it, fack off !  xoxo Jaime  

1 comment:

  1. "I've met an incredible man..." NNNOOOOO!!! What's his name!? I'll kill the bastard!! X(
