Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Got Milk, Or Not?

What's better than a fresh batch of warm cookies and a tall glass of cold milk?  If you just boxed jumped on to your kitchen table, ripped off your shirt and yelled MEAT! VEGGIES! WATER! MUSCLE UPS!...Dude, chill out.  Nobody's looking, you can agree that this stuff at least tastes good.  

 Now put your shirt back on.   

Growing up and being the rolly polly I was, cookies dunked in milk was my favorite
snack........dessert........entree.  To be honest, anything dunked in milk.  MILK!  Loved the stuff as a kid. I used to drink so much, my nana would see me and say " oh, there's goes my little calf."   
Did she just call me a cow? A small cow, but a cow none the less.  

Oh well, gulp gulp gulp, dunk dunk dunk, waddle waddle waddle.

If you're on the primal wagon, dairy is off limits (with the exception of grass-fed/pastured butter).  Do you know why?  
Everyone, in unison 

Yes, but do you know why? 

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Do you know GMO?  

You should, you reeeeeeeeeeally should.

If you've seen the news headlines lately, and I'm talking past the important stuff like"Ryan Seacrest Gets a Haircut" and "Like Grits? You Might Be a Republican," (Seriously, WTF?) you'll probably find an article about GMOs and California's motion to get them labeled on food.  Have you heard of this?  It's called the California Right To Know Genetically Engineered Food Act.  If you haven't heard, CA is fighting for mandatory labeling of all GMO containing products. 

I occasionally mention GMOs, but I'm not positive that everyone knows what they are and would further bet some of you think I'm a dyslexic valley girl.  

"Like, don't you mean 'OMG', dummy?" 

Like, no. However, if they do pass the labeling law, I think in front of each GMO label there should be a picture of Alicia Silverstone with a caption reading "Like OMG, don't be clueless....this shit will f*cking kill you!" 

Totally Alicia, totally.

Back to basics.  What's a GMO?   
A GMO (genetically modified organism) is the result of a laboratory process of taking genes from one species and inserting them into another in an attempt to obtain a desired trait or characteristic, hence they are also known as transgenic organisms. This process may be called either Genetic Engineering (GE) or Genetic Modification (GM); they are one and the same. 

Sound familiar? 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

How "Good" Are You at Picking Restaurants?

Are you a health minded person?  
Do you care about foods you eat, where they come from and how they are prepared?  

Would you rather feed your child a burger that came from a happy cow who ate grass on a farm
or a roided out cow, fed GMO corn in a sh*t stained stall?

Would you rather eat a freshly picked apple from your local farmer's market or an apple picked
6 months ago, chemically ripened underground, waxed and shipped across the world to your grocery store? 

I think the answers are obvious, I hope! 
And that's just it. It's so obvious to when you're doing the shopping, 
when you're doing the cooking but what about when you go out to restaurants?

Do your same principles apply?

"SHUT UP, I'M EATING!" nom nom nom.....

Exactly my point.  

Friday, February 3, 2012

A Blog About Nothing, like Seinfeld.

Blog? Oh yeah. I too have a blog. I was just reading the fantastic Brianna Battles blog,  EverydayBattles.   Thank you for reminding me that I also have demanding readers (hi sis).  Bri, I do have a question for you.  Would you and Jared consider adopting me so I can have your last name?  I'm already potty trained. Think about it.
Moving onto more important questions, everyone not just Bri.
Have you ever belched under your breath in a crowded but quiet place while wearing ear plugs? Come to find out, it's not as "under your breath" as you might think. I keep forgetting that earplugs keep noise OUT, not keep noise IN.
And judging by the glare I just received from the fella across the room, I don't think they have the power of invisibility either.

Excuse, me! YOU try to peel an egg in your purse and not make a mess.

Chico coffee shops are so judge-e.
Chico, oh yeah! I'm in Chico, CA. Surprise! Moved back to my hometown 2 weeks ago.
It just wouldn't be me if I actually announced it like a normal person would.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A Healthy Thanksgiving For You!

Its here!

Healthy Holiday Video Series : Part 1   "How to Have a Healthy Thanksgiving" with my 5 easy tips.

Just click on the cute little play button below to find out how you can keep yourself from rolling into Black Friday with a tummy ache and heart burn.

Do you have anything you do to keep turkey day a little healthier. Do you have any post Thanksgiving remedies?

Let us all know in the comment section below.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I hope these simple tips helped.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Healthy Renegade Gets on Camera For The Holidays

"The holidays are coming! The holidays are coming!!

You're about to gain 10 pounds of blubbery holiday fat!!!
You won't even know it's happening!
Hide your kids....
hide your wife...
cause their ass' are about to blow up too!"

Running the streets (of the Internet?), warning the townsfolk.  It's like I'm a modern day Paul Revere. Though I can't possible compete with his fashionable ways.  Did you see that puffy shirt?
I hope I get one for Christmas.


I love it when people act surprised when December 25th arrives.  Next time someone starts that inevitable conversation, instead of being agreeable, shake things up a bit. 

Them:  "I can't believe it's already here. Time just flew by."
You:    "Yeah, seriously. Feels like only 12 months ago we were having this exact same conversation."
Them:   : /
You:     :)   aka the conversation winner!

Nothing says holiday spirit like being a smart ass.

Since this is officially a health and fitness blog, you know what I'm going to say about your upcoming holiday habits; don't eat too much, don't stress, keep up your workout routine, beat your children if they complain about their gifts.  All the usual stuff.

Except, this year I'm going to do it a little different.  You see, every season I try to keep people on track with my no brainer holiday health tips.  But the thing is, I know you're all so worn out from buying gifts for people you don't like and cramming your in-laws in a closet somewhere, that the last thing you want to do or have time for is reading.  Plus there aren't that many pictures that I post, so I'm not sure who's really paying attention anyway.  And, let's face it. Those eyes will have all ready gone cross from all the screaming kids, J-Lo's holiday mix and that salvation army bell that rings even in your sleep, you couldn't possibly focus on the 10 font anyway.

So, being the saint (pbbbb..) that I am, I've decided I will reach out to my 10 readers via video blog!

Each week until the end of the season,  I will post a new video related to keeping you (and I ) from gaining the typical 8-15 pounds that most people pack on around this time of year.

I'm already super nervous, so bear with me through the process, please.  With that said.....

The Healthy Renegade's 
Video Blog Rules:

  • No making fun of my squeaky video voice.
  • No making fun of my hair, face, clothes.
  • No making fun period.
  • If you make fun, I have the right to kick you in the shin.
  • You have no rights after that.

About The Healthy Renegade Holiday Video Blog:

  • Each week I will post a video, addressing typical holiday situations; weight gain, stress, being too busy, dealing with unhealthy food at parties, low energy, healthy recipes/cooking, travel tips. All kinds of good stuff. 
  • I want this to be as interactive as possible.  I know you will be busy, but in order to stay ahead of the game this season and stay on track you will need to be thinking about your health.  If you're interacting with me, you're defiantly thinking about your health. So if you can find 3 minutes of sanity, send me videos of you cooking good stuff, post stress release ideas, send me your favorite healthy recipes, pictures...whatever. Let's motivate each other and collectively make this the healthiest holiday season yet! 
  • If you want me to blog about any particular thing, request it. 

The Healthy Renegade Video Blog: Holiday Series debut will be next week. In the meantime, post me your thoughts. 

See you soon! 


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Renegade Update. Finally!

I'm  a week late!! 
Nope, not that kind of late.  Though now that I think about it, might be time to buy a bottle of Sailor Jerry and an E.P.T.  Either way, I feel drinking an entire of bottle of spiced rum is totally appropriate.  

What?  Don't like my jokes? 
Don't fackin' read, you fackin' Fack.

Sorry. SORRY! I'm headed to Boston in a few days and it seems even my fingers are prepping to speak Masshole. 

What am I going for, besides to drinking every Sam Adams beer ever created, you mean?  NOTHING!  That's it!  And maybe to experience what vodka soda tastes like on the east coast, but that's pretty much it.  Some R n' R, just what this girl needs. 

3 months and 1 week ago (hence the week late thing), I posted that I was revamping my life. Trading in all things fine for all things facked, but with hope of all things great.  
Big gamble?  Hell yes! What if things got worse and I got further behind then when I started?  Not to mention I opened my fat fingers and wrote all you people of my ventures. Scary?  Hell yes! A few times I went to blows with a 4 pound cockroach over who got to sleep on the gym's couch.  If that ain't scary I don't know what is.  But was this all worth it?  Hell yes!!